I am an explorer and a sculpturist in two dimensions.
Exploring the paint, colours, textures, subjects and the materials.
Consiously I am not painting in one particular style and certainly not one subject. Otherwise it would feel like I would be limmiting myself and my development as an artist!
I just want to follow my curiosity, my passion, my feelings.
Though a lot of my paintings are more or less “landscapish”.
The reason for this is because I often find myself letting my gaze wander over landscapes, seascapes and the clouds in the sky. 
A short description of my style could be described as "earthly" with sometimes a bit of "organic".
Also my style varies from abstract/abstracted to impressionistic figurative.
I like it when an artwork is not really clear at a glance, but needs some exploration; “What am I actually looking at?” 
Also I love it when I can let my eyes wander over the surface, discovering textures and colour variety.

These are the things I strive for.
You see? Life is about discovering! 

Let’s enjoy a lot of art and a great variety of art works!
I love art, I love creating, I love exploring!
Now I hope you can see all of this in my variety of paintings.

Sincerely your passionate painter,

M.R. Alec